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Jeremy Lau

Prudent Perspective Q1 2022

In mid-1979, oil prices more than doubled within twelve months. The forces that fed into the dangerous concoction that spawned the Energy Crisis included an exceptionally accommodative Federal Reserve that had kept rates low to combat a previous recession, a global surge in oil demand from a booming world economy, and a geopolitical conflict that drastically reduced oil output.

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Q3 Hero Image
Jeremy Lau

The Prudent Perspective – Q3 2021

For the last year and a half, concerned about the US economy’s ability to sustain itself through a catastrophic pandemic, the Federal Reserve placed training wheels on the US monetary system that came in the form of a zero interest rate fed funds target and a quantitative easing (QE) program that involved the purchase of $120 billion of treasury and mortgage bonds monthly.

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Prudent Perspective July 2021
Jeremy Lau

The Prudent Perspective – Q2 2021

After closing the first half of 2021, we are beginning to get a glimpse of some of the unintended consequences that may lie ahead following the unprecedented measures taken to address a once-in-a-century pandemic.

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Jeremy Lau

Prudent Perspective – Q4 2019

“Well, I’ve been ‘fraid of changin’ ‘cause I’ve built my life around you. But time makes you bolder, even children get older. And I’m gettin’

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